Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Toadies Re-cap

The show was amazing with a capital A.

I really can't do it justice without the wordsmithing only a Mordecai can posses.

The show was in Richmond, in this tiny place under neath an overpass. Clark was walking around when the first band was on 'Conshafter', who happen to be from Chapel Hill (6 miles from my house). I introduced myself, we started drinking beer, took pictures...what a regular dude, totally awesome, approachable and just generally nice. He asked me where I was from, what I did for a living etc etc.

People in Planes came on..who are quite good, and he went and got a mini self amplified guitar and was following a long in the corner. Rez came out a few minutes later and I bought them whatever it was they were drinking. We toasted, they went back stage...

I enjoyed People in Planes for the good 45-50 minutes they were playing. Toadies came on, went through about 12 songs (abt half the set ), started playing a few riffs from random rock songs. I yelled to Clark to play the 'cowboy song' , a thin lizzie song, the toadies had covered on some obscure album I own.

Afterwards VTL told everyone after tyler to come hang out with them and talk, so we did. They signed two LP's for me, which I'm framing.

They then informed me that they were playing in NC tomorrow (today) and that I should go. I said I'd love to but it was in Charlotte...which is whats printed on their t-shits and their promo flyers.

They said yea, somewhere called Cat's Cradle. So I asked if they meant Carrboro and they said they were. Carrboro is less than 15 minutes away. The irony is, If I hadn't gone to Richmond, I wouldn't have known they were playing right next door. Clark only thought to mention it as I had told him I was from NC earlier. They then said if I showed up an hour or so before they went on I could come back and hang with them.

Doni (how he spells it) gave me a bass pic and one of their set lists that was taped to the floor as well.

I'm working on 2.5 hrs sleep and cannot hear and my lungs hurt from smoke inhalation.
Last night was one of the best times I've had, ever. And to think I almost didn't go...

1 comment:

Josh said...

Awesome! What songs are on the setlist?